1) An indication of the problem
2) The scope of the research problem
3) A statement about the theoretical relevance of the research with the help of best arguments
4) A list of the best scientific articles that are relevant to your topic idea
5) The main objectives of a dissertation
6) All the research questions that are relevant to the topic idea of your dissertation
7) A brief description of the possible research design of your dissertation
8) They also pay enough attention towards the length of your dissertation
There are also some students who are not able to write the theoretical framework of a dissertation. They can also get help from the expert writers. These expert writers will write down the best quality theoretical framework for your dissertation by clearly defining the research questions and hypothesis, by analyzing all the theories and models that are relevant to your dissertation topic idea, by justifying and testing these hypothesis, by answering all the research questions in a descriptive way, by ensuring the logical structure of the theoretical framework, and by citing all the resources in the right way.
To write a concluding chapter of a dissertation is also a real challenge for the students. If the students are not able to write a concluding chapter of a dissertation, then they can also get help from the expert writers. These expert writers will write down the concluding chapter of a dissertation by answering the research questions, by defining the problem statement, by confirming the hypothesis, and by summarizing the main points of your dissertation. In a similar way, the students can get a custom solution to any chapter of a dissertation. This chapter will be written according to your desires. Due to the high turn over time, they can also provide a custom solution to your desired dissertation chapter just before the deadline.